
गैर-अपराधी माता-पिता या देखभाल करने वालों के लिए।

For non-offending parents and caregivers of children or young people who were harmed sexually, who caused harm sexually to another or both. Recognizing the essential role of non-offending parents is paramount for the healing of everyone involved.

In their own unique way, non-offending parents are also harmed by the abuse endured by their child.

Parents and Caregivers play a crucial role in the healing process. We have the power to strengthen our families, so the harm doesn't last a lifetime. The work starts with doing our individual healing work in order to be in a strong enough place to support others.

The involvement of an Orange parent or caregiver is crucial for the healing of the family system.

As Orange parents, we often focus on getting others the help they need. The false sense that if others in the family would heal, then we would all would be okay, can drive a wedge in the family. When we inadvertently say or do the wrong things, further harming our child or children.

We are not alone. Other parents are walking this path in a healthy, healing way and learning how to do that ourselves matters. Each of us grapple with our own set of feelings - the pain, the shame, the guilt, the rage, the injustice, and the utter sadness. It starts with exploring honestly and with courage how the harm event(s) have impacted our own lives.

Instead of leaning on our child to help us heal, we can take responsibility for our own education, support network, and healing work. When we do that, we can effectively show up for our loved ones. Tackling the complexity and nuanced relationship breakdowns that child sexual abuse causes - takes time. The healing process requires many actions and conversations, it is a journey.

This journey of healing happens in stages and takes time.

Led by Orange parents for Orange parents.

Orange Circle is a non-judgmental space for non offending parents and caregivers. It is a safe space to explore the complexity of the impact of child sexual abuse on a family system. We are allowed the full range of our histories, feelings and relationships, as we sort through how to show up in a supportive way for our loved ones.

हम सभी किसी भी बीमारी से उबर सकते हैं, यदि हमें पता हो कि कैसे उबरना है और इसके लिए हमें समर्थन प्राप्त हो।

Learn more about the structure and process of Healing Circles.

जब हम इसे एक साथ करते हैं तो बोझ हल्का हो जाता है।

Our program aims to take our participants, approximately 300 per year, and give them the individual healing, the collective understanding and the prevention education to stop child sexual abuse before it begins.