STAR का परिचय

August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
इस घटना के बारे में


सुबह 8:00 बजे – सुबह 11:00 बजे

Beverly Bushyhead, MA, MPA
Donna Minter, PhD
घटना के लिए है
पाठ लिंक
जनता के लिए खुला

Introduction to Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience for Cultural Competence, Racial Healing and Equity Trauma-Informed Care for Us All (Intro to STAR) Here are the training objectives: a. Learn the complete intersectional spectrum of individual and collective psychological trauma. b. Learn the links between unhealed trauma and cycles of victimhood and violence. c. Learn STAR's trauma healing and resilience models and associated restorative practices and discuss how they are applicable to cultural competent, racially equitable delivery of inclusive trauma-informed care for all.

कोई आइटम नहीं मिला.

कोई आइटम नहीं मिला.
पाठ लिंक
जनता के लिए खुला