White Affinity Circle Series

July 18, 2022
August 3, 2022
इस घटना के बारे में


6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

COST: $225
Suzen Wysor Nguema
घटना के लिए है
पाठ लिंक
जनता के लिए खुला

DESCRIPTION: This circle workshop will be a six part opportunity to process your whiteness and your understanding of your racial identity. If you are white and you want to learn more about yourself so that you can become a more engaged and effective accomplice in anti-racism work, this workshop is for you. BIO: Suzen Wysor Nguema is a cisgender, white woman who used to believe that she didn’t see color. She ignored the ways in which her words, actions and behaviors illustrated the implicit bias alive in her existence. But then she became the mother of a Black son while simultaneously completing her dissertation, aimed at making a case for truth and transformation in the United States. This convergence of personal and professional sent her on a path to creating a curriculum to help other white people become more self-aware. She has completed Circle Practice trainings through Planning Change, LLC and has 17 years of social work practice experience. She continues to work on herself every day to fight the racially biased idea she has been socialized to believe.

कोई आइटम नहीं मिला.

कोई आइटम नहीं मिला.
पाठ लिंक
जनता के लिए खुला